Rebate Filing

We are listed on the PSE&G website as a “Trade Ally” and help with the paperwork needed to secure lighting incentives.

We save companies over 60% by changing out their current light fixtures to high efficiency LED’s. We have a proven track record of delivering projects on time and under budget.


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Business Energy Saver Program

The Business Energy Saver Program is sponsored by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. Business Energy Saver Program receives its funding through New Jersey's Societal Benefits Charge (SBC). The incentive offering is comprised of a combination of prescriptive equipment rebates and incentives for custom improvements that provide energy savings.

PSE&G Business Energy Saver Program

We are listed on the official PSE&G Business Energy Saver Program website as a "Trade Ally".

Trade Allies are contractors and service providers that the PSE&G has listed to help navigate the complexities of rebate filing and the choosing of qualified LED products. We have been listed for almost 10 years on varios programs and have a proven track history of delivering projects that qualify for Cash-Back Rebates or financial incentives.